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Largest study ever in Western Equatorial Africa shows gorillas in deep trouble

In 2018, scientists from ten different organizations assembled the largest survey dataset ever on western lowland gorillas and central chimpanzees. We collated the information on great apes nests from 59 sites in five countries surveyed over 11 years between 2003 and 2013. The study indicated that although there were more gorillas than previously published, they were in deep trouble- declining by a shocking 2.7% every year....

Introducing Tembo

Last month we shared with you amazing footage captured by the Mondika Gorilla Project team of a day-old baby western lowland gorilla. We are very excited to share this video update on the little fellow, who has now been named Tembo. He is strong and healthy and growing up fast!...

New baby gorilla born in Kingo’s group

Last week Saturday when the Mondika Gorilla Project team headed out to Kingo’s group through the misty, morning forest they were met with an exciting surprise. Mekome, one of the females in the group, came climbing down some lianas from the tree canopy. Her five-year-old infant was waiting for her on the ground, and when she reached him the team heard a soft whining noise...

Kingo turns 40

Out of the thick forest, a loud grunt signals the presence Kingo, a 200 kg silverback gorilla, sitting on the forest floor calling to his group. Kingo Ya Bole, which means “The Loud Voice”, calls constantly to his group, but when agitated he inflates his chest and builds up a hooting crescendo delivered with a chest beat which can travel for hundreds of meters. ...

A passion for wildlife

Talk to Gaston Abea about wildlife and you will see his face light up. He exudes enthusiasm in every task he tackles and it is quickly clear that he is extremely passionate about his conservation work in the Nouabale-Ndoki National Park. Abea has been part of several projects working to protect northern Congo’s wildlife over the past 17 years. Born in the village of Bomassa,...

Mbeli Bai

Mbeli bai is a large (12.8 ha) natural forest clearing located in the south-west of the Nouabalé-Ndoki national park, Northern Congo. Due to the mineral rich soils and aquatic vegetation, Mbeli Bai is an attractive resource for numerous elusive mammal species including the western lowland gorilla and the African forest elephant. The Mbeli Bai Study (MBS) was established in 1995 with the aim of enhancing...

Conserving Congo’s only Community Reserve

Created in 2001, Congo’s only community reserve includes extraordinary biodiversity: the highest known local densities of gorillas in the world, large populations of chimpanzees, as well as the full range of other Congo forest creatures. The area is managed by the Ministry of Forestry Economy and Sustainable Development (MEFDD) in partnership with WCS Congo, through funding from USAID’s CARPE program. Commercial hunting and wildlife trafficking...

Into the Nouabale-Ndoki forest

We set off. The 20 kilos strapped to my back feels cumbersome and my shoulders quickly begin to ache and numb. Yombe leads us, with quick little steps his feet splayed out at 45 degrees. Terribly fit. At first, I stuggle to find a rhythm; ducking and weaving, clambering over fallen trunks and pausing for the deft strikes of the lead machete. I give in...