It is with profound sadness that we share with you the tragic loss of two of the most dedicated and longstanding WCS Congo team members, René Rufin Aleba and Moise Zoniaba. Several of the current WCS staff here in Congo have worked together since the beginning of the project in the early nineties. Moise and René were two such employees, and for their fellow longstanding...
It is with great sadness that we are sharing the tragic news that Jana Robeyst died on April 8th 2016, whilst pursuing a promising career dedicated to the study and conservation of wild forest elephants at Mbeli Bai. She was an amazing scientist and wonderful person who loved her work and was living her dream. She will be truly missed by everyone who ever had...
This forest elephant is just one of over 500 that have so far been individually identified by researchers who have spent the past twenty years studying the wildlife of the Mbeli Bai clearing in the Nouabale-Ndkoi National Park in northern Congo. Having spent the night sleeping on the viewing platform at Mbeli last week, I woke up at sunrise to find him feeding on a...
Located on the Sangha River in northern Congo, the Bomassa headquarters of the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park have become a haven for wildlife such as this De Brazza monkey. The monkey is one of a group of around twenty individuals that visit the camp on most mornings and evenings to feed on the palm nuts that are scattered across the camp. The monkeys spend up to...