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WCS Congo Blog | the ndoki experience
Stories and insights from the Wildlife Conservation Society's Republic of Congo Program
Congo, conservation, WCS, Nouabale, Ndoki, Tele, elephant, gorilla, chimpanzee, science, wildlife, rainforest, endangered, environment
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the ndoki experience

Our latest video, ‘The Ndoki Experience’ showcases the incredible diversity of the pristine forest of Nouabale-Ndoki National Park. The park, created in 1993, spans 4,238.7 km2 in the northwestern corner of the Republic of Congo and is a rare example of an intact forest wilderness, completely uninhabited by human settlers and with low human population densities in the surrounding area. The forest is part of the larger Sangha Trinational Forest Landscape that in July 2012 was nominated as a World Heritage Site, and is described as the single most biologically intact landscape in the Congo Basin. Several large river networks dissect the park, inundating tracts of forest at certain times of the year. The region is rich in endangered, old growth African mahoganies, supports intact populations of large mammals, and contains important forest clearings which offer a ‘window’ into the lives of shy forest wildlife.

The large mammals protected in the park include several endangered species, such as western lowland gorillas, chimpanzees, forest elephants, bongo, and forest buffalo. As of February 2015, the management of NNNP was transferred to the Nouabalé Ndoki Foundation (NNF), a public private partnership created by WCS and the government of Congo. Under this new arrangement, WCS has been designated as the management unit in charge of park operations for the next 25 years.

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